Tuesday, July 22, 2014

21 Day Fix & Lessons that Followed.....

I recently started the new program 21 Day Fix. This program has been the biggest eye opener and reality check. Portion control, portion control, portion control. It is amazing how much society prides itself on "oversizing" things- supersize, bigger is better, and I am 100% guilty of that. Would you like chips and a drink with that- YES... would you like to make that a large for $0.50 more OF COURSE.... would you like to start off with an appetizer- WELL DUH, who wouldn't want an over sized appetizer to go with the extra large portion that's about to follow?!

But I have learned something the hard way, this journey is not about how quickly can I get to the finish line- done that and gained every single pound lost and more back. I put myself through hell for what? Six months, AT MOST, of looking good only to have learned nothing. I have done every diet there is out there- atkins, weight watchers, south beach, LIQUID (yes I actually did not EAT food for 7 months!!), three day diet, vegan, and everything else in between. But the one thing I can say about what beachbody has taught me- consistency. It's all about consistency. If you can't be on that diet for the rest of your life it probably isn't the healthiest way of losing the weight. Can you go forever without carbs? One word- THANKSGIVING! Not only is that no possible it's not realistic. Can you go forever only drinking liquid shakes- HELL NO! Just to give a few examples. If the "diet" that you're on isn't a LIFESTYLE move on! It is not worth it. I know no one wants to hear this, especially anyone who is overweight, but Rome wasn't built in a day and you won't/can't, not healthy anyways, lose it in a day. I know what it's like to "just want the weight off" if I could just get it off, I'll keep it off. Then you get the weight off quickly and did you keep it off? (if you did, good for you) I know I didn't... why? Because I didn't learn anything. I learned a short cut and NO ONE ever learns from a short cut. I don't like to use the term easy way out because anyone who has gone 7 months without chewing solid food knows it was anything but EASY! Your approach has to make sense and it has to be realistic; but most importantly YOU HAVE TO WANT IT! And I mean deep down WANT IT! That is exactly what beachbody is all about. Is it a quick fix, absolutely NOT. Is it hard work, absolutely. But I can 100% guarantee you that six months from today if every time you think about quitting you just remember the reason you started and just keep going you will be a changed person for the better and you'll never look back! After all:

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